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Cuenta PRO permite utilizar el mejor algoritmo de cálculo, ajustar la anchura de la hoja, ver los residuos , utilizar los nombres de las piezas en los cálculos, utilizar API
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12 hours 99,00 RUB 7 days 389,00 RUB 30 days 1 400,00 RUB 90 days 3 990,00 RUB 365 days 14 990,00 RUB

Restaurar contraseña

Ingresar (en este campo) línea por línea una lista de piezas o nulos en el formato de texto "longitud-pieza" (desde excel, etc.). El caracter separador puede ser un guión cualquier caracter de espacio en blanco. Dar click en el botón "IMPORTAR". Por ejemplo:

Show in calculation:
longitud de material cantidad nombre

Guardar lista (puede cargar la lista con la tecla función de importación)

longitud de pieza cantidad nombre

Guardar lista (puede cargar la lista con la tecla función de importación) Online

ver. 2024.02.01 (link to old version)

Si desea participar en la traducción de nuestro sitio web a su lengua materna, siga el enlace link or escríbenos

El cálculo puede tardar hasta un minuto


What does this calculator do? allows you to create an optimal scheme for cutting linear isels (rebar, bar, cable, rope, etc.).
Our cutting calculator uses calculation algorithm with the best yield and minimum waste.

API v3

Request: POST

Example request data: (body payload in JSON string format) example_request.json

Example response data: example_response.json

API v2

API v1

Only for PRO
Request URL:
Request Method: GET / POST
Request parameters:
api_token: 3d2706bbc69168ecd75db8449f272287 (example)
params: -l 0 -s 2 -b 10000:100 -c 5600-4 3400-8 3500-4 4600-8 3300-12 (URL encode)

api token

Example request link: params=-l%200%20-s%202%20-b%2010000:100%20-c%205600-4%203400-8%203500-4%204600-8%203300-12

api response

Example curl request:
$data = array(
	'api_token' => '3d2706bbc69168ecd75db8449f272287',
	'params' => '-l 12000 -s 2 -b 10000:20 -c 5600-4 11000-8 3300-10',

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

$response = curl_exec($ch);

How to quickly enter a list of parts, for example from Excel?

Cutting list import

Example of a task for a linear cutting calculator:

For example, you need to cut 6 meter boards into: 23 pieces for 1.2m, 12 pieces for 2.3m, 6 pieces for 3m and 17 pieces for 0.8m. How to spend the least amount of initial boards and minimize waste?

Is there an offline version or mobile app with a calculator?

No. The web version of the calculator is adaptive for all types of devices and maximally optimized for fast download with slow Internet, which eliminates the need to create a mobile application or an offline version of the calculator.

How to place a calculator on your site?

Paste this code into your website:
<iframe width="100%" height="500" src=""></iframe>

Cut with a corner cut. Cutting with the ends at an angle (as in the frame of pictures):

If there are two types of segments with different angles (for example, 30 and 60 degrees), you must do two separate calculations for each type of segments. When the angle of all segments is the same (for example, 45 degrees), then this problem of cutting is solved, as usual, by one calculation.
For example, there is a task: cut into 4 types of pieces of length 2m: with a length of 79cm / 75cm ( outer / inner length), 59 / 55cm, 39 / 35cm and 29 / 25cm.
Solution: in the calculator we indicate the MIDDLE length of the segments: 77cm, 57cm, 37cm and 27cm and the length of the workpiece is 1.98m (the length of the blank for cutting 2m minus the difference between the maximum and average length of any segment, it is (59-57)=2 cm. In the resulting map, the cutting points should be marked as in the figure: Corner cutting

Is it planned to develop sheet cutting (2D cutting)?

Yes, in the near future.

What does the "Title" column mean?

The "title" of the part displayed on the nesting map. It may include any information: marking, section size, part number, etc. This is not a required parameter.


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Esta función está disponible en la cuenta PRO. ¿Desea adquirir una suscripción a la cuenta PRO?

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