Terms of Use

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Welcome to smartcut.pro (hereinafter referred to as the Site), a website and online service that provides the ability to create an optimized cutting layout for linear materials. This section outlines the terms of use for our website (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

This Agreement is recognized as an offer in accordance with Articles 435-438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (RF Civil Code). By accessing or using the Service, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to this Agreement, regardless of whether you are a registered user of our Service or not. The terms of this Agreement apply to all visitors to the Site (hereinafter referred to as the User). If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, you do not have the right to use the Service.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Administration agrees to provide Services to the User, and the User agrees to comply with the terms of the Agreement.

1.2. Acceptance and compliance with this Agreement is a mandatory condition for the Administration to provide Services to the User.

1.3. The Administration reserves the right to amend the terms of this Agreement at any time without the User’s consent by posting a new version of the Agreement on the Site. The User agrees to periodically review the content of the Agreement posted on the Site. The new version of the Agreement or any of its integral parts takes effect from the moment of publication on the Site. The current version of the Agreement is always publicly available at: https://smartcut.pro/lang/terms-en.html.

2. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

2.1. Rights and Obligations of the Administration.

2.1.1. The Administration provides Services to the User but does not guarantee that the information available at a certain time will always be available throughout the duration of the Agreement.

2.1.2. The timing and parameters of the Service provision are determined by the User through selecting the Service in the Tariff Plans.

2.1.3. The Administration may, at its discretion, unilaterally change the cost of Paid Services. The Administration must notify the User of changes in the cost of Paid Services by publishing relevant information on the Site and updating the Tariff Plans.

2.1.4. The Administration reserves the right to modify or terminate the Service with or without notice to the User.

3. Personal Data

3.1. By posting their Personal Data on the Site, the User confirms that they do so voluntarily and grant permission for the Administration to process them.

3.2. The Administration does NOT have the right to transfer collected statistical data to third parties.

4. Service Provision Procedure

4.1. Users can access Free Services without registration. Paid Services require registration.

4.2. To access Paid Services, the User must activate them by making a payment.

4.3. Services are considered successfully provided if the User does not submit claims within three days after payment.

5. Pricing and Payment

5.1. Tariff plans are available on the Site in the "Pricing" section.

5.2. All Paid Services require full prepayment.

6. Refund Policy

6.1. We offer a full refund within 15 days from the date of purchase of a tariff plan.

7. Intellectual Property

7.1. The name, logo, software code, information, graphics, audio, video, photos, and other content of the Service are the intellectual property of the Administration or other rights holders who have authorized their use on the Site.

8. Liability

8.1. The Administration is not responsible for damages resulting from the disclosure of User login information unless caused by the Administration’s actions.

8.2. The Administration does not guarantee that the Service provides the most optimal solution and is error-free.

9. Dispute Resolution

9.1. Any disputes shall be resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, disputes shall be resolved in a competent court.

10. Final Provisions

10.1. The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated at any time by either Party.


Mironov Artem Alexandrovich

Tinkoff Bank JSC

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Mironov Artem Alexandrovich

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